Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Secession Talk Takes Centre Stage

Secede or not to secede?  That is the question that is being bantered about in all aspects of media and the cyber-sphere.  I was on Mark Shea's blog today were he had a post (with spirited comments in the comboxes) regarding "nutjob secessionists".

Knowing Mark's style, he was not saying all secessionists are nutjobs.  As with any category, there will be people who want to take the extreme.  Secession is no different.  But how do you see past the clanging gongs of the faux secessionists?

First off; secessionists do not want anything to do with slavery and the reinstitution thereof.  This was a dying institution in 1860 thanks to the Industrial Revolution, and if nothing had happened, whether secession or not, slavery would have self terminated.  So, "no" to slavery!*

Secondly; real secessionists do not want war!!  We do not have common beliefs or values, so why force a union where no one is happy?  Oh, but we're Americans and we have the same roots and history, etc...., to which I say, "so does Canada, but they're not a part of the USA, now are they?"  And we're great friends with Canada..they trade with us, enforce their side of the border with us, and they leave us alone to our affairs and we do likewise (I think).  "If the South secedes there will be another war..."   Okay, who's gonna start it, because it will not be us.  We didn't start the last one (we really didn't...we warned the Union troops ahead of time and made sure no one was in the fort once firing started..and no one died) and we most certainly are not interested in starting another.  In fact, when General Lee found out that Stonewall Jackson wanted to go to Washington DC, Lee stopped him because he said we were looking for independence, not conquest.  No to war...any war!

Thirdly; we do not want to establish our own nation in the model of the United States...and no we do not want to model it after the Articles of Confederation either as they stated the United States would be in "perpetual union"...a term absent from the current Constitution of the United States.  Our union will not be one of dictatorship, American "democracy" or monarchy.  It will be one of a federal-based representative republic, which was in place prior to the 1850~60's, when it was replaced by the American Democracy style of government.

Fourth; and this is the crux if it all, "we just want to be left alone" as per Jefferson Davis.

I could go on and on, but you get the point.  Ninety percent of what the United States government does violates the 10th Amendment, but no one says anything...and if they do, they're shouted down as a hater, ignorant, a Confederate or whatever.

Sadly, there are some who share our desire of secession...but want to pursue it via the sword and not the tongue.  This is not our goal.  Independence, not conquest.  We just want to be left alone to work, go to church, play and enjoy our families and our free time, without drones or Big Sister (of subsequent Brothers) looking over our shoulders.

To the people of the North who want to stay aligned with the DC government; you do what you feel is best for you, and we will do what's best for us.  We will not impose our values on you, and you please do likewise.  We can co-exist as separate nations that can openly trade with each other and we'd all be a lot happier.

Think about it!

* Some of you will say, so "no to slavery, CP, but what about blacks and other minorities, like Hispanics?"  Good question; let's start with blacks.  No slaves right?  Of course not!  Blacks are free people and will be treated as equally as whites.  With that being said, it means what it means.  No affirmative action, no quotas, no forced de-segregation, none of the federal social engineering garbage that has destroyed the black family unity over the past 45 years!  They are citizens of their respective State and will be subject to the laws of those States, just like everyone else, they want to go to work, live peacefully and go to school just like anyone else, so let them.  Hispanics?  First question:  are they legal?  If yes, everything I said about blacks can also be said about Hispanics.  If no, then the laws that many States passed, like Arizona, Alabama and Georgia, will be enforced, unencumbered by a federal leviathan since it will not have the authority to interfere.  However, a Confederate government would enforce it's laws and protect it's borders since this would be a national concern, but recognising no system is absolute, if State jurisdictions have to get involved, they will not be interfered with by the central government.


  1. It seems to me that the main problem with secession is that is not feasible. When the feds are so powerful that we need to secede, they are so powerful that we can't secede.

    Good point about the difference between a federal republic and modern democracy. The former is much better, but sadly, most people don't even know what it is.

    1. I understand your point, but c matt's comment may be more right than your or my points...USA as we know it may just fall apart under it's own weight, a la USSR.

  2. first thing any new seceded state needs to include in its founding documents: Term limitations.

    1. AMEN! I believe it was in the Confederate Constitution, which was almost a carbon copy of the US version, with changes to the presidential term (one 6-year term, I believe) and the "General Welfare" clause was removed. I am sure there are others that I am overlooking.

  3. Secession will not happen by force of arms, but by disintegration ala USSR or the Roman Empire. At some point the Feds will simply implode under their own weight. It may be 10 years, or 100 years, but it will eventually happen. When it does, only regional government will be practical. In a sense, we won't secede, we will just fall apart, with regional governments picking up the pieces.

    1. I agree with your assessment c matt. The sooner the better.

      Social media and upbringing would also put the military at odds with any order to put down a peaceful secession effort I believe.

    2. secession or revolution, either way, the new world order will force the hand of those of us who want and defended freedom. the rest of you are sheep being lead to the slaughter. the globalist have already destroyed the USA, those hiding behind false "patriotic" values which disappeared with JFK will be in for the shock of your lives when rounded up to live in FEMA camps!

  4. If you think Mark Shea will tolerate you talking about secession or the confederacy on CAEI in any way shape or form, you're naïve. Mark is a hater of anything that smacks of 'racism', which the confederacy is to him. You will be denounced and banned as a racist sooner or later. Despite his so-called Catholicism, he's an out and out liberal. Read his post on gun control, it's classic knee-jerk liberalism.

    1. Yeah...he's not gotten that far with me, per se...that I've noticed...I have not visited his site recently, although I see his posts on Facebook.
      I really don't know what's gotten into him, or maybe I am just now realising who he really is. I understand his stance on Fr. Corapi (with whom I am extremely disappointed as well), but his invective towards Michael Voris just boggles my mind. If Father Z is doing something together with Voris, to me, it's okay because I really like Father Z.

      Dunno. I am not ready, nor qualified, to make judgement on Mark Shea. I like a lot of his writings when it comes to Church-related issues, but his upper North West upbringing really shows through on social matters. And to think, by that region's standards, he is considered a conservative..so you know it's *really* bad out that way.
